
Warming Up

Life has suddenly gotten very crazy, at least for my mellow soul. Progress has been happening though. So some quick things before I vacate for the holidays!
Although I love the gray knitted neckwarmer/hoodie thing from a few weeks back (and I would still like to make it eventually), I've decided to use the blue yarn for a hat and neckwarmer combo, adding in some green yarn that my sister gave me for my birthday.

The hat is almost done, and the neckwarmer shouldn't take long. It will look like some combination of these...

And I think I'll do a big green button on the hat to match the ones I use on the neckwarmer. Cute, right?

Also, a lot of people have been asking about the progress on the plastic bag bag. It's minimal progress, but I'm still working on cutting the bags into strips so I can make the plastic yarn. I need a good snow day so I can sit and watch movies and cut up bags...

I'll be in and out until New Years, so Happy Holidays!! Here's a cute shot of father and son carrying their Christmas trees home in the city.

Listening to: Feist - I Feel It All

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